Night time beauty tips

Night time beauty tipsCleansing: It’s essential to cleanse your face before going to sleep. Choose a good cleanser and apply the solution with a washcloth that is dipped in warm water. Finish with a toner to remove excess residue from your skin without eliminating its natural moisture.

Moisturising: Applying a night cream before bed will hydrate your skin while you sleep. Night creams contain different ingredients to day creams – they focus on replenishing and restoring your skin.

Warm bath: After a tiresome day a warm bath can help reduce stress. Bathing increases your blood circulation and adding essential oils to your bath can help relax you. Check out our earlier article about the benefits of essential oils.

Massage: Massaging your body with oil also helps increase your blood circulation, moisturises your body, and can reduce stress – leaving your skin glowing.

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