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7 tips to protect your skin this winter

7 tips to protect your skin this winterWinter months can be harsh on our skin – drying it out, causing scaling or irritation… but it doesn’t have to be!

Today we’re sharing 7 tips to protect your skin this winter so you can have healthy, glowing skin all year long.

1. Wash in warm water

As the temperature drops, our temptation to turn up the heat of showers goes up! But hot showers and baths, particularly when washing your face or hands, can strip oils from your skin. We suggest always washing your face in warm water and replenishing your skin with quality products… which takes us to our next point.

2. Nourish your skin immediately after washing

It’s important to nourish your skin with quality products immediately after you wash. Avoid that tight, slightly itchy feeling, by applying a vitamin-rich product to damp skin. Your skin will love a serum, such as our Ultraderm Vitamin Serums, which combine antioxidants of vitamins to rejuvenate, refine and strengthen skin.

3. Moisturise

Moisturising is one of the most widely known ways to protect and hydrate your skin but did you know some over-the-counter moisturisers have petroleum-based ingredients that can actually further dry out your skin? We always recommend natural and nourishing ingredients, such as our Ultraderm Absolute C Cream which provides antioxidant protection, aiding collagen synthesis and improving skin tone and radiance.

4. Sun protection

Just because it’s winter doesn’t mean we can forget sun protection –  winter sun can be just as damaging as summer sun! Be sure to apply at least SPF 15 + each morning and re-apply after swimming, towelling or physical exercise to avoid premature signs of ageing.

5. Drink water

Keep hydrated! Drinking plenty of water will help to keep your skin plump, reducing fine lines. It will also help rid your body and skin of toxins – giving your skin more radiance and glow.

6. Exfoliate

Once a week, especially in winter, we suggesting swapping your cleanser for an exfoliant in your morning skincare routine. A deep cleansing skin exfoliator brightens and smoothes as it gently removes dead surface skin cells.

7. Body brush

Last year we posted an article about the benefits of body brushing and tips for doing it yourself at home. Not only will it increase your circulation, tighten your skin and reduce the appearance of cellulite, it will also remove dry skin from your body and prep it perfectly for moisturising.

There you have our top 7 tips for protecting your skin this winter. Do you have other top tips? Share them in the comments below!



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