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Salon makeover

Everyone loves a makeover, including us!

We recently gave our treatment room a facelift with warmer paint colours, new wall features and lighting.

You can see a few photos from the transformation below.

Thanks to everyone for your feedback about our salon makeover. It makes us so happy knowing we have made our salon an even warmer and more inviting place for you to visit!

We’re always looking for ways to improve our services and your Beauty Sense experience:
– introducing new beauty treatment services (like ‘Just for men’)
– searching for the latest in beauty and make-up products (we just attended an industry beauty expo and have a range of new make-ups available), and
– thinking of ways to make your visit the best it can be (salon makeover, new music and loyalty program).

If you ever have any feedback about how we could improve your Beauty Sense visit, let us know or write a comment below.

Looking forward to seeing you again soon!

Salon makeover

Salon makeover


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